Monday 11 February 2008

What's New?

Not much. I'm really excited about our new Sunday school theme on the Holy Spirit. It was actually an answer to prayer. I've been thinking a lot about that lately and have a lot of questions. What does the Holy Spirit really do in a believers life? What happens when an individual or church is totally controlled by the Holy Spirit? What is the evidence of the Spirit's working in one's life? One thing I already learned was that when the Holy Spirit moves, nobody can control what happens. What does it really mean to have a passion and fire for God?

Lately I've been feeling like God is preparing me for something bigger. Whether now or later, or what it is, I don't know. But I do know that whatever it is, it's not going to be easy. Today was where I knew that I really had to say, "Lord, if you want to use me, wherever that may be, I'm ready. Father, send me." I think today's the first time that I actually sincerely meant it. It's much easier said than done, but in the centre of God's will is the best place to be, and there's where the greatest blessing is.

I've been seeing this past week that God might just have a very different plan for me this year than I thought. I see myself doing some sort of missions work, but I always keep thinking not now. I need to finish my schooling first. Maybe God has something for me much sooner than I think. Learning to wait on the Lord.

Psalm 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he will strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.


  1. You know what else is funny? I didn't know the face to your name untill I asked someone the other day!:).... But I know now, so we will have to chat in person one day! I enjoy reading about your passion to serve God. I have often felt the same way. Right now my ministry is mostly here at home. I always pray that our children will serve God too. If you go to my Homeschool Helper Blog, I post some things that I have been teaching the boys.
    I often feel like it is hard to get to know everyone in church, so this blogging thing is helpful for that and inspiring too!If you ever want to email, you may at
    God bless you!


  2. Yes, I did ask Lisa. :) Did she tell you? I could have also found you in the church directory, but never even thought of it. I looked at it today and saw that you have 3 other at siblings at church there. Didn't know that either. I knew Martin was your brother. (think Lisa told me that too) But I didn't know the other ones were too. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Did you go to school at the Aylmer Old Colony Private School? I taught there one year.

  3. Maybe you could write posts on what you learn about the Holy Spirit. I'd enjoy learning more about Him, too. It seems that there are a lot of us learning about God's will lately. Something that I recently realized is that God wants me to ask daily - "What do You want me to do today, Jesus? Please show me." I started this Jan. 1 and it has been so neat. Missions sounds like a wonderful idea. When I was 18, I went on a 2 month mission trip to Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. It changed my way of thinking more than anything else. 20 years later, I still have a heart for missions and it keeps growing.
