Wednesday, 17 September 2008

But It's So Tiny!

Yesterday when I was babysitting my nephew, he did something that showed me how we, as Christians, often treat sin. I was busy doing something when I noticed he was squatted down on the floor, as he usually does when he's looking at something he's fascinated by. So I went over to see what he was looking at and was almost a little alarmed when I saw he was trying to pick up an earwig. The little critter was violently wiggling around in his fingers, trying desperately to sting the curious little boy. Of course, I told him immediately to leave the bug alone, that it was going to hurt him, but he didn't seem to react much. I got him out of the way and swept up the bug, much to his disappointment.

Coming back, I had to wonder why my nephew would attempt to play with an ucky bug. I told him to leave it alone because it was going to hurt him but that didn't cause him to draw back. In his two year old mind, he's probably thinking, "That thing is so small, what's it gonna do to me?" He doesn't know nor does he understand how that's even possible, so he just ignores my caution.

As I was thinking about this throughout my day, I discovered that this is often how I treat sin. I see it, and thinking it's small and harmless, my curiosity gets the better of me and I try to play with it. God warns me and tells me to leave it alone, but I can't see any reason why. Like my nephew, I ignore the caution from Someone who knows how it will work to my hurt, then, I get hurt, of course.

The thing is, we don't always need to understand, we just need to trust God that He knows and always wants what's best for us. He sees the bid picture while we're only aware of what's directly in front of us. We only need to believe Him and be obedient when He says, "No!"


  1. I never thought of it this way, but when we do not listen to God, we are acting like a two year old.



  2. I'm with Jennifer, Great thoughts!

    Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me, and later I think, "Why in the world did I do that!"

    BTW: I diin't know earwigs could sting.

  3. CJ,

    They poke or sting or something. I don't want to get too close to them.

  4. cj: I don't believe they do. I handle them a lot. But They sure do look like they could! :)


  5. Hmmm, shows how much I know. I surely wouldn't encourage a child to play with one.

  6. No, and I wouldn't either. They would think all bugs that size are harmless!


  7. Okay, so even if I don't have the whole bug thing figured out, you got the point of my story.

  8. Yes!!

    I noticed on the side bar of your text under the picture you wrote the word 'savior' as 'saviour'. I thought that was funny because I haven't seen that in a long time! I lived in England for four years and that is how they spell it and how I was taught to spell it.


  9. It's really amazing the lessons we can learn from kids!
