Thursday, 28 August 2008

New Feature

If y'all hadn't noticed yet, I added a list of books to my sidebar. I hope to add more as I have to time to read. If you have questions about any of them, just drop me a comment and I'll gladly get back to you.


  1. Thanks for pointing that out! I have also read 'The Hiding Place' and part of 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' - both were wonderful! I am hoping to get 'Do Hard Things' soon - hopefully for Christmas. :)

  2. I'm also kind of reading a "I kissed dating goodbye" - I read a whole bunch of it one day last week, but I haven't picked it up since. I do plan to get back to it though.

  3. I have read Hidden Rainbow too. There are quite a few books on my shelf I want to read yet.

  4. I can vouch for the goodness of The Hiding Place, Do Hard Things, and I Kissed Dating Goodbye. They are all must-reads, and I may just keep the other ones in mind. :D BTW, Tramp for the Lord(sequel to Hiding Place) is better than its prequel.

    Maria Pauline

  5. "Y'all"? I thought you lived in Canada. Is that common up there, or are you making fun of us southerners, or are you saying that it's actually a useful word?

  6. Hey Joshua!

    I'll use that every now and again. We use that word just for fun up here. Don't worry; we like how Southerners talk.

    Thanks for stopping by.
