Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Kindred Spirit Award

Thank you to Jennifer for thinking of me upon receiving the Kindred Spirit Award. I, in turn would like to pass it on to several girls that have been a blessing to me, knowing them personally and through their blogs:

Maria Pauline
Melodie Joy Wiebe
Nancy Wall

Here are the guidelines. Thank you girls so much for the blessing and encouragement you have been to me.


  1. Margaret,

    Thank you so much! I feel very honored to receive this award. :D

    Maria Pauline

  2. Wow, it's been awhile since I was last on your blog.

    Congrats on getting the award!


  3. Congratulations, Margaret! You deserve it!

  4. Thanks Margaret! Now let me see if I can figure out how this works.... You know I would just have to pass it write back to you again too if that is allowed, but let me see what else I can do!You are such a blessing!

  5. lol... look how I spelled right... write... and ya , I'm a teacher!
