Saturday 9 July 2011

A New Focus

Yes, I have a new look and a new title!  It's crazy, I know.  I've been thinking of making a change for awhile.  I might still play around with the look yet.  What I wanted was to change my title to better describe the content and focus of this blog.  I would have changed the URL, but wanted my readers to still be able to find me.  Why "Desiring Something Greater"?  What is "something greater"? I don't know exactly.  That's what I'm setting out to find out.

What I do know is that we live in a world satisfied with mediocrity while there is a lot more to be had.  When I say I desire something greater, I'm not talking about the world's definition of great, or even that of many Christians.  I'm not talking about any career, degree, salary or social position.  I'm talking about seeking and living out God's purpose for my life.  He has a great plan for my life, if I yield to it and sacrifice my own plans.  I have desires that others may scoff at, but I believe God has placed them within me.

My biggest fear about this change is that I won't live up to what I write about or what people expect to see in my life.  When I say I desire or seek something greater, I don't claim to know what greatness is, to be great, and I can't even promise that I will one day achieve what I'm after.  I am reminded of Phillippians 3:12 where Paul says "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ has made me his own." (ESV) My desire is simply that I will not settle for what I have or this world's expectations for my life, but to strive after a fulfilled life, even if that means nothing more than living a content and simple life that blesses others.

Some people may look down at my lack of goals or long-term plans.  To those I say I have been unsuccessful in planning my life thus far.  I can't even see a single day transpire the way I plan it.  It's in those times I'm reminded my life is not my own and I'm not in charge.

I have no idea where this blog will go from here or whether this new direction will even be successful.  I will continue to share my thoughts on life, God, books, writing and whatever else I discover.  I believe there's a lot of beauty to discover and much to learn from writers of the past and I intend to make the study of their works a part of my life.  It's what continues to inspire me, something I truly get excited over.  I don't want to shy away from difficult questions but to face them boldly and wrestle with them even if I never receive solid answers.  The apostle Paul told us to be mature in our thinking (1 Cor. 14:20) and to think on whatever is true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise (Phil. 4:8). This is what I desire to do.

If I never do anything significant with my life, if I never make an notable difference, it will not be for lack of desire.  It will only be because I allowed giants of fear, failure and unbelief rule over me.  This is my stand against them.

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