Saturday, 8 March 2008

Winter Wonderland

Well, it still doesn't look like spring. We got another snowstorm last night and it's still really coming down. I just can't wait until spring when the trees green and the flowers bloom, and strolls along the beach at sunset and long walks through the woods. To wake up in the morning with the sun warm through my window and hearing the birds singing. Now it feels like only a dream but in a few months, a warming reality.


  1. It isn't Spring here either. I'm listening to freezing rain hitting the window. The sound of it is giving me chills. I got an email today warning us that church and youth group will probably be canceled tomorrow. We will probably really appreciate Spring and Summer this year.

  2. I must admit, snow is getting old! I'm ready for spring - although I do love winter, too! :-D

  3. I am quite excited as we are blessed with the upper forties after a weekend of subzero! Everything's melting and spring will be here soon.

    I tagged you.

  4. Ha Ha! We must think alike. I wrote about our weather too and my title was Winter Wonderland as well!! Just saw that and thought it was funny! Looks like I copied you! Hee Hee. How is your week going?
